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公共管理学院访问教授Wojciech Florkowski系列讲座通知
发布时间:2017年06月26日    点击次数:


Wojciech Jan Florkowski,University of Georgia


Florkowski教授,美国籍,任职于美国佐治亚大学Griffin Campus Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics教授职务,是农业与应用经济学博士,所在的学科领域为农业经济与管理领域。在美国,许多学校将农业经济拓展为应用经济,在保留原有农业经济研究对象的基础上,扩大了该学科的研究对象。其学科内容包括农业经济、资源、农业关联产业、应用经济、食品、消费者行为、土地等等。目前,农业经济学仍是北美教学与研究的重要领域,其围绕食品产业领域及自然环境与环境经济学研究发展迅速。


1. Florkowski, W. J., S. Kolavalli.Aflatoxin control in Groundnut Value Chain in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Ghana.Food Protection Trends.36(2)、2016;

2. Sheremenko, G., C. L. Escalante, W.J.Florkowski. Financial Sustainability and Poverty Outreach: The Case of Micro-finance.European Journal of Development research.00(0)、2016;

3. Florkowski, W.J., ?ysiak, G.Quality Attribute-Price Relationship: Modernization of the Sweet Cherry Sector in Poland.Problems of World Agriculture.15(4)、2015;

4. Florkowski, W.J., ?ysiak, G.Opportunities for Horticultural Production in Podlaskie Voivodhsip: Pears for fresh fruit market.Optimum-Studio ekonomiczne.16(6)、2015;

5. Yoo, V., W.J. Florkowski, R. Carew.Pricing Attributes of Wines from Emerging Suppliers on the British Columbia Market.Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics.18(2)、2015等。

其国际或国内重要学术组织任职有Honorary Professorship from Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary, March 30, 2016等。获得的主要学术奖励和荣誉有:Lifetime Achievement Award from the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, San Antonio, Texas, February 8, 2016;Outstanding researcher in Post-harvest Horticulture, SE Asia 2013 Symposium, 5 December, Vietnam, Laos;1st place Poster Competition;Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Birmingham, Alabama, February 6, 2012等。



First Class:

Methods of Social Science Research

Time: June 26 (Monday) 14:00-17:20 pm

Location: Classroom B124,1st floor of Teaching Building

Second Class:

Methods of Social Science Research

Time: June 27 (Tuesday) 14:00-17:20 pm

Location: Classroom B124,1st floor of Teaching Building

Third Class:

Methods of Social Science Research

Time: June 28 (Wednesday) 14:00-17:20 pm

Location: Classroom B124,1st floor of Teaching Building

Fourth Class:

Methods of Social Science Research

Time: June 29 (Thursday) 14:00-17:20 pm

Location: Classroom B124,1st floor of Teaching Building

Fifth Class:

Methods of Social Science Research

Time: June 30 (Friday) 14:00-17:20 pm

Location: Classroom B124,1st floor of Teaching Building

Sixth Class:

Methods of Social Science Research

Time: July 3 (Monday) 14:00-17:20 pm

Location: Classroom B124,1st floor of Teaching Building

Contact: Yicheng Shen


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