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Call for papers: Institutional Innovation and Agricultural Development: China’s Experiences and International Comparisons
发布时间:2017年04月05日    点击次数:

13th International Conference on Agriculture and

Rural Development in China (ICARDC XIII)

Friday 25 – Sunday 27 August 2017

College of Economics and Management, South China

Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China

Conference theme

China has witnessed remarkable economic growth, unprecedented industrialisation and urbanisation, and dramatic transformations of the urban and rural development landscape since the initiation of the market reforms three decades ago. The impact on the rest of the world has been huge, catching the attention of academics, development practitioners and policy makers worldwide. At the same time, this explosive growth has also come at a price: widespread environmental degradation and associated health problems, a widening ruralurban income gap, the squandering of land and natural resources, and rampant rent-seeking. Furthermore, over the past few years, China’s growth has evidently slowed down, leading to dampening export, the closure of firms and lay-offs of migrant workers. Faced with these critical issues, observers have raised the question whether China might be in need of a fundamental institutional, systemic and organizational restructuring. Against this backdrop, ICARDC XIII and the Chinese Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy, together with College of Economics and Management, SCAU and National School of Agricultural Institution and Development, SCAU, have jointly launched the conference theme –Institutional Innovation and Agricultural Development: China’s Experiences and International Comparisons.

ICARDC would like to invite Chinese academics and international scholars,development practitioners and those from diverse policy arenas to contribute thoughts, papers and panels around the broad theme as stated above. The wider aim and objectives of the conference involve not only a critical reflection on and rethink of China’s recent development trajectories entailing development strategies, policies and outcomes, but also, on a historical and contemporary basis to compare with developed and other developing countries and regions of the world, consider similarities and differences with regard to the urban-rural divide or integration, the lessons that China can learn from such a comparison, and what contributions the Chinese experiences can make, theoretically, methodologically and empirically, to our understanding and knowledge of processes of development and change and what effects this can create on development policy and practice within China and beyond.

Topics under this broad conference theme may include, but not limited, the following:

1__China’s experiences of agricultural development

2__International Comparison on agricultural development

3__International experiences of Increasing farmers’ income

4__International comparison on agrarian institutions

5__International comparison and experiences of safety supervision on agricultural products

6__Experiences of and international cooperation on rural poverty reduction

7__Global agricultural cooperation in the context of opening-up situation

8__Institutional innovation and agricultural development

9__Institutional innovation and global agricultural trade

10__ Institutional innovation and global agricultural governance

11__ Natural resources, common property, institutional change and transition

When addressing the above topics, you may wish to discuss their specific aspects,for example, the market (of commodities, labour, credit and finance, property rights, ownership,), the state (e.g. democratisation, civil society, governance, fiscal systems), society (e.g. poverty, inequality, social exclusion/inclusion, social support mechanisms, community organisation and participation), culture (e.g. changing values, norms and social practices, consumerism, discourse and power, shifting identifies), technology (e.g. emerging forms of agriculture, including hitech farming, agro-industries, agro-businesses, skills development, scale, investment, extension and innovation, as well as commercial integration), environment (e.g. environmental degradation and the impact on natural resources, farming practices, ecologically sustainable farming and diversified management, organic agriculture and green products), social risk (e.g., its social context and public policy relevance, risk regulation and management regimes, and perceptions of and responses to societal and environmental risks), and the impact of climate change.

Panel and/or paper proposals

It is possible to present an individual paper, or to propose a panel with several participants. We welcome any paper or panel proposal that touches on the theme of ICARDC XIII dealing with one or more of the above topics.


Participants who wish to present a paper and/or organise a panel must submit a paper and/or panel abstract (max. 250 words) by 31 March 2017. Participants will be notified of acceptance by 15 April and must confirm participation by 5 May to the conference core contact person (see the Organising Committee below for contact details). Participants who want to take part in the conference, but do not wish to present a paper are also kindly asked to register by 5 May. For registration, please mail to the core contact person by email and note “ICARDC XIII” in the e-mail subject.

Full conference papers and presentations

The full papers must be submitted to the conference core contact person by 1 July 2017 so they can be made available for the discussants and other participants in good time. Those who cannot meet this deadline are kindly asked to bring sufficient copies of their papers to distribute to the other participants at the conference.


ICARDC XIII aims to publish a selection of high quality papers as an edited volume or a special issue of a quality refereed journal. In addition, the organisers strive to bring out the conference proceedings by a reputable publisher in China. Former conferences have resulted in several edited volumes or special journal issues of selected papers that are well-received in scholarly circles.

Registration and costs

The conference fee is 800 RMB Yuan per participant and 400 RMB Yuan per student/concession rate, which includes three lunches and a conference dinner. As funds for ICARDC are limited, participants are expected to cover their expenses themselves.

Organising Committee

Zhixiong Du, President of Chinese Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy, Professor and Deputy Director of National Academy of Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

Biliang Luo, Vice President and Secretary-in-General of Chinese Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy, Director of NSAID, SCAU, Professor of College of Economics and Management, SCAU

Peter Ho, Chair of International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development in China (ICARDC), Professor, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Xuewen Tan, Vice President and Secretary-in-General of Chinese Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy, Associate Professor of Rural Development Institute, CASS

Wan, Junyi, Standing board member of Chinese Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy, Professor and Dean of College of Economics and Management, SCAU

Bingchuan Hu, Vice Secretary-in-General of Chinese Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy, Associate Professor of Rural Development Institute, CASS

Core Contact Person

Dr. Yijing Zhang, School of Economics and Management, SCAU

E-mail: yijing_becky@163.com

Phone number: +86-18820139656


ICARDC was established in 1989 by concerned scholars and development practitioners to create a forum for exchanging research findings on agriculture and rural development in China, which was by then rapidly changing on a scale unprecedented in history. With currently over 400 members from China, other Asian countries, the various European Union member states, the USA, Australia and other developed and developing countries, ICARDC can rightfully be termed a major academic community and network focusing on China's development in general, and agricultural and rural development in particular. Successful ICARDC conferences were held inside and outside of China, which have also led to a series of well-received publications with leading international journals and academic publishers. The next ICARDC will be hosted by the School of Economics and Management of the South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou. We hope to welcome and meet you all in Guangzhou in August this year!

Membership and mailing list

You can become a member of ICARDC by subscribing to the mailing list at www.icardc.org. Your name will then be included in the mailing list, after which you will be automatically updated with the latest news on ICARDC activities, including its biannual conferences, job openings and PhD scholarships, etc. NOTE: Please do NOT email any correspondence about ICARDC XIII to the ICARDC Secretariat based in Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Further details about the ICARDC network can be found on its website at www.icardc.org


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