2015年,实验中心经过与clark lab协商购买一套IDRISI校园版升级版,clark lab决定赠送几套学生一年版,下学期选修石志宽应用遥感技术实验课的同学优先,请有需要的同学将自己的姓名(中文、英文),学号,邮箱发给石志宽szk@njau.edu.cn,截至日期2016年1月14日,(以收到邮件时间为准)。
One of the benefits to having a current campus-wide TerrSet license - your students are eligible for afreeone-year TerrSet Student Starter license. You will need to provide us with a class list, once your roster has been determined. We will then email you ordering instructions to pass on to your students.