腾讯会议:413 612 762
1.报告题目:指导垃圾分类项目设计的预测性模型构建研究(Development of a predictive model for designing recycling programs)
报告人:Mariel Harder
2.报告题目:基于资源-环境权衡的垃圾回收可持续性评价(Quantifying th recycling sustainability based on a resource-environment tradeoff analysis)
3.报告题目:后COP-26时代中日韩碳中和路径规划下循环经济发展前沿(Frontiers of Circular Economy Development under CHina-Japan-Korea Carbon Neutrality Strategy in the Post COP-26 Era)
4.报告题目:数字化助推无废城市建设经验分享(Experience sharing on the digital-driven construction of waste-free city)
5.报告题目:上海和北京新一轮强制性垃圾分类的制约因素(Barriers to the latest compulsory waste sorting in Shanghai and Beijing)
报告人:Abraham Zhang
6.报告题目:上海和南京的垃圾分类政策对比研究(Comparative study on the waste sorting policy between Shanghai and Nanjing)
7.报告题目:区块链在回收供应链的应用(The application of blockchain in recycling chain)
报告人:Jack Gong
8.报告题目:助推垃圾分类:基于心理学视角(Nudging Waste Separation:A Psychological Perspective)

玛丽·哈德(Marie Harder),复旦大学环境科学与工程系特聘教授,英国布莱顿大学教授,英国伦敦大学学院荣誉教授,英国皇家艺术学会会士。长期从事应用型跨学科可持续发展研究,涵盖国际发展、管理学、心理学、行为学、公共政策等领域,聚焦可持续行为改变、公众参与和社区发展等研究问题。长期坚持将团队研究成果进行有效实践转化,创造社会价值,助力可持续发展。主持和参与包括英国全球挑战研究基金和中国科技部重点研发项目等多项国际国内重大研究基金项目,在高水平国际期刊发表学术论文120余篇。
Marie Harder, distinguished professor of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, professor of University of Brighton, UK, honor professor of University College London,UK Fellow Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA). She mainly focuses on applied interdisciplinary sustainable development research, covering fields of international development, management, psychology, behavior, public policy, focusing on research issues such as sustainable behavior change, public participation and community development. Her team has long insisted on effectively transforming research outcomes into real practice, creating social value and contributing to sustainable development.

Chuanbin Zhou, Research Professor at State Key Lab for Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Secretary-general of the Technical Commission of Eco-Health and Human Ecology, Ecological Society of China. His main research interests are municipal solid waste management and urban metabolism, and is the PI of the State Key R&D Program and the Major Project of Natural Science Foundation of China.

董亮,博士,香港城市大学公共政策学系以及能源环境学院助理教授、博士生导师。主要研究方向为产业生态学、循环经济、企业环境社会与治理(ESG)、可持续产业和城市规划。发表SCI/SSCI文章120余篇,谷歌学术h指数44。主持、参与国家自然科学基金、中荷无废城市、日本内阁府 “环境未来都市”等科研项目。担任美国能源基金会、联合国亚太经社委员会(UN-ESCAP)、韩国工业园区组织(KICOX)、欧洲化学工程师协会(EFCE)等咨询专家。担任Elsevier期刊和Springer Nature期刊副主编。担任国际产业生态学会“可持续城市系统”以及“产业共生”分会委员会委员。入选2021年斯坦福大学全球2%顶尖科学家。
Dr. Dong Liang is an assistant professor in the Department of Public Policy (POL) and School of Energy and Environment (SEE), City University of Hong Kong. His main research interests include industrial ecology, circular economy, corporate environmental-social-governance (ESG), and, sustainable industries and urban planning. He published more than 120 SCI/SSCI articles, with a Google Scholar h-index 44. He is the PI and Co-PIs for a number of projects, including: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Sino-Dutch Zero-Waste Cities, and the "Environmental Future City" of the Cabinet Office of Japan. He serves as advisor for the US Energy Foundation, UN-ESCAP, the Korea Industrial Complex Organization (KICOX), and the European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE). He is the associate editor journal (Elsevier) and (Springer Nature). He is the committee member of the "Sustainable Urban Systems" and "Industrial Symbiosis" section of the International Society for Industrial Ecology. He was awarded as the year-2021 Top 2% Scientist in the World by Stanford University.

Industrial Professor of Jiangsu Province/Adjunct professor of NanjingUniversity ofPosts andTelecommunicationsDirector and General Manager of Nanjing NanyouInstitute of Information Technovation Co., Ltd. Expert ofJiangsu Think Tank for 5G Industry AllianceMember of executive council ofJiangsu Institution of EngineersVice Director ofProfessional Committee for Mobile Communication and Network Engineering of Jiangsu Institution of EngineersVice Director ofProfessional Committee forTechno-economy and Management Modernization of JiangsuInstitute ofCommunicationVice director ofFinTech Industry Alliance of Jiangsu General Chamber of CommerceEnterprise mentor of MBA college/school of computer science of NanjingUniversity ofPosts andTelecommunications.

Abraham Zhang博士任职英国艾塞克斯大学商学院供应链和运营管理副教授。他目前的研究重点在循环经济、可持续供应链和智能科技的交叉领域。 他的研究成果发表在四十多篇学术论文中,涵盖众多知名国际期刊包括Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Research Part E, Omega, International Journal of Operations and Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, Resource, Conservation & Recycling。
Tutor ofMass Entrepreneurship and Innovation CampaignTutor of Jiangsutechnological entrepreneurshipTutor ofEntrepreneurship and Innovation Campaign of Southeast University and NanjingUniversity ofPosts andTelecommunicationsStandingDirector of Alumni Entrepreneur Alliance of NanjingUniversity ofPosts andTelecommunicationsDeputy Secretary General ofJiangsuProvincial Enterprise Association ofChina Democratic LeagueStanding Vice Chairman of JiangsuHuai’an Entrepreneurs Federation.
李长军副教授长期致力于低碳环保行为、垃圾分类、基层环境治理等领域的研究,主持中国博士后基金、阿拉善(SEE)环保基金会、沃启基金会等多项科研项目,在环保领域Resource conservation& Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production,Waste Management等国际顶级期刊发表英文学术论文10多篇。李长军副教授积极参与地方政府决策咨询服务,承担多项地方政府委托的合作课题,特别是深度参与上海市垃圾分类立法工作,同时撰写的咨询报告也获得省部级领导批示。
Changjun Li,the associate professor at thecollege of Public Administration of Nanjing Agricultural University.
He has long been committed to research in the fields of low-carbon environmental protection behavior, waste sorting, and grassroots environmental governance. He also has presided over a number of scientific research projects such as the China Postdoctoral Fund, the SEE Environmental Protection Foundation, and the Woqi Foundation, He has published more than 10 academic papers in Resource Conservation & Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production, Waste Management and other top internationaljournals in English.He actively participates in local government decision-making consulting services, undertakes a number of cooperation topics entrusted by local governments, especially deeply participates in the legislation ofwaste sorting in Shanghai.

龚宇,博士,英国南安普顿大学(QS世界排名第77名)运营管理副教授,博士生导师,运筹学、管理科学与信息系统研究中心(CORMSIS)校企联合中国区主任。主要研究方向为多层级可持续供应链管理与供应链创新,已发表SCI/SSCI论文30余篇,加拿大毅伟教学案例三篇。论文发表在多份高水平期刊如IJOPM,IJPE,IJPR,IMM,BSE,担任《Journal of Computer Information Systems》副主编,同时担任JOM,IJPE,IJPR,TRE等多份国际知名刊物匿名审稿人。多次受邀担任国际期刊IJOPM,IJPR等客座编辑。从事学术研究前龚宇博士有三年国内外管理咨询公司工作经验。
Dr. Yu (Jack) Gong is an Associate Professor in Operations Management, Director CORMSIS Business Liaison (China) at Southampton Business School, the University of Southampton, UK. He obtained his PhD at the University of Exeter. He has publications in several high-quality journals such as: International Journal of Operations & Production Management (IJOPM), International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), Industrial Marketing Management (IMM), Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (TRD) and Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE). He has served as guest editors for both IJOPM and IJPR. Prior to his academic career, he had three years’ working experience in management consulting firms in Malaysia and China. His main research interests are sustainable supply chain management and supply chain innovation.

刘萍萍,博士,中国科学院心理研究所副研究员。自2019年起,关注亲环境行为,从事助推垃圾分类和资源回收利用的研究,部分成果发表在Resources, Conservation & Recycling、Sustainability,心理科学进展 等期刊,发现承诺信息、内疚情绪、监管政策均显著影响个体垃圾分类意愿和行为。她具有跨学科的学习工作经历,本科专业为应用化学(2002-2006),硕士和博士分别为教育、认知心理学专业(2006-2013),曾在香港理工大学计算系访问学习(2016-2018),主持多项国家自然科学基金和中科院等多项项目。
Dr. Pingping Liu is an associate professor at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 2019, she has been focusing on pro-environmental behavior andperforms studies onpromoting wasteseparation, reduction, and recycling. Some of her research findingshave been published inthe journals ofResources, Conservation & Recycling, Sustainability,Advances in Psychological Science and others. It was found that commitment information, guilt emotion and regulatory policy significantly affect individualwaste separation intention and behavior. Dr. Pingpinghas interdisciplinarystudy and working experience. She majored in Applied Chemistry (2002-2006) as a bachelor, education (2006-2013) as a Master, and cognitivepsychology (2006-2013) as a doctoral student.She was a visitingscholar in the Department of Computing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2016-2018), and hosted a number of projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.