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教授; 博士生导师

性别 : 女

最高学历 : 博士

研究方向 : 土地经济与政策;环境经济与资源管理;可持续发展经济学

学术兼职 :

联系方式 : E-mail:lanjing@njau.edu.cn;Tel:



主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目,社会网络视阈下农地流转供需错配的矫正机制研究,项目批准号:72074114, 2021.01-2024.12

主持:国家自然科学基金青年项目,环境规制对工业环境表现和环保企业发展的影响研究,项目批准号:71403125, 2015.01-2017.12

主持:中国国际扶贫中心与比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会合作项目,巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果经验总结及国际分享——内生动力篇,项目批准号:2023052-2, 2023.06-2023.08

主持:环境保护部生物多样性专项,典型生物遗传资源经济价值评估研究, 2017.06-2017.12

主持:江苏高校哲学社会科学重点项目,农户土地流转行为的社会网络效应研究,项目批准号:2017ZDIXM098, 2017.09-2019.08


主持:环境保护部中国生态系统和生物多样性经济学试点研究课题,公众参与生物遗传资源保护研究, 2016.07-2016.12

主持:留学回国人员科技项目(择优资助项目),农业面源污染控制研究:基于偏好显示的视角, 项目批准号:80200108, 2017.01-2019.12

主持:中央高校人文社会科学基金项目,环境规制对环保企业发展影响研究:治理需求、市场力量和响应机理,项目批准号:SK2014005, 2015.01-2016.12


主持:日本文部省科研奖励项目,Pollution Control in China: Human Capital and Environmental Regulation Stringency, 2013.04-2014.03


欧洲环境与资源经济学家学会(EAERE)会员,Environmental and Resource Economics、Environmental and Development Economics、Ecological Economics、World Development、Energy Economics、Forest Policy and Economics、Applied Geography、Research in Transportation Economics、Land Use Policy等国际同行评审期刊审稿人、国家自然科学基金通讯评审人、教育部学位中心通讯评审专家、《林草政策研究》青年编委、Frontiers in Environmental Science等国际期刊客座编辑。



Lan Jing*, Kakinaka Makoto, Huang Xianguo. (2012). FDI, Human Capital and Environmental Pollution in China. Environmental & Resource Economics, 51(2), 255-275. (SSCI, ABS三星)

Liu Zhen, Lan Jing*. (2015). Sloping Land Conversion Program in China: Effect on the Livelihood Diversification of Rural Households. World Development, 70, 147-161.(SSCI, ABS三星)

Lan Jing*, Munro Alistair. (2013). Environmental Compliance and Human Capital: Evidence from Chinese Industrial Firms. Resource and Energy Economics, 35(4), 534-557. (SSCI)

Lan Jing, Munro Alistair, Liu Zhen. (2017). Environmental regulatory stringency and the market for abatement goods and services in China. Resource and Energy Economics, 50,105-123.(SSCI)

Liu Zhen, Lan Jing*. (2018). The effect of  Sloping Land Conversion Program on farm household productivity in rural China. Journal of Development Studies, 54(6), 1041-1059. (SSCI, ABS三星)

Lan Jing, Liu Zhen. (2019). Social network effect on income structure of SLCP participants: Evidence from Baitoutan Village, China. Forest Policy and Economics, 106, 1-8. (SSCI)

Zhen Liu, Jing Lan*, et al. (2022). Role of tourism development in environmental degradation: A step towards emission reduction. Journal of Environmental Management, 33:1-10. (SCI, ESI 高被引论文, ABS三星)

Lan Jing, Sufyan Khan, et al. (2022). Evaluating energy poverty and its effects: Findings from Asia. Energy Policy, 165:112933. (SSCI, ESI  高被引论文)

Lan Jing, Wei Yiming, Guo Jie, Liu Zhen. (2023). The effect of green finance on industrial pollution emissions: Evidence from China. Resources Policy, 80: 103156. (SSCI, ESI  高被引论文)

Liu Zhen, Tian Jiali, Wang Kexin, Lan Jing*. (2023). The impact of farmland circulation on the carbon footprint of agricultural cultivation in China. Economic Analysis and Policy, 78: 792-801. (SSCI)

Ruotong Li, Renjie Cai, Lan Jing*. (2023). A nexus of income inequality and natural resource utilization efficiency: Effect on the road to green economic recovery. Resources Policy, 85: 103625. (SSCI)

Mohammad Hasan, Hayot Berk Saydaliev, Lan Jing*. (2023). Trilemma Association of Education, Income and Poverty Alleviation: Managerial Implications for Inclusive Economic Growth. The Singapore Economic Review, 68(04), 469-1492. (SSCI)

Lan Jing, Li Qiuming, Liu Zhen. (2023). The impact of the Low-Carbon City Pilots programme on industrial land transfer by local governments in China. Economic Analysis and Policy, 77: 824-842. (SSCI)

Liu Zhen, Renjie Cai, Lan Jing*.(2023). The effects of agricultural product exports on agricultural environmental pollution: evidence from OECD countries and China. Economic Change and Restructuring, 56: 4078-4093. (SSCI)

Xu Jinhang, Wei Yiming, Lan Jing*.(2023). Nexus between green financing, renewable energy generation, and energy efficiency: empirical insights through DEA technique. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30(22): 61290-61303.

Saydaliev Hayot Berk, Lan Jing*, et al. (2022). Assessing the effectiveness of biomass energy in mitigating Carbon emissions: Evidence from Top-10 biomass energy consumer countries. Renewable Energy. 191:842-851. (SCI)

Liu Zhen, Li Qiuming, Lan Jing*. (2020). Does participation in the sloping land conversion program reduce the sensitivity of Chinese farmers to climate change? Land Use Policy, 99, 105021. (SSCI)

Hu Pan, Lan Jing*. (2019). Equity and Efficiency in Spatial Distribution of Basic Public Health Facilities: A Case Study from Nanjing Metropolitan Area. Urban Policy and Research. 37(2): 243-266. (SSCI)

Shi Xiaoping, Chen Shujie, Ma Xianlei, Lan Jing*. (2018). Heterogeneity in interventions of village committee and farmland circulation: intermediary versus regulatory effects. Land Use Policy, 74, 291-300. (SSCI)

Lan Jing, Yin Runsheng. (2017). Research trends: Policy impact evaluation: Future contributions from economics. Forest Policy and Economics, 83, 142-145. (SSCI)

Lan Jing*, Munro Alistair. (2013). Environmental Compliance and Human Capital: Evidence from Chinese Industrial Firms. Resource and Energy Economics, 35(4), 534-557. (SSCI)

*corresponding author.

详见 Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jing-Lan-3/research

ideas repec(SSCI):https://ideas.repec.org/f/pla746.html


万广华, 蓝菁*, 刘震. 基于人民幸福感的共同富裕指标体系构建及测度[J]. 经济科学, 2023, 45(02): 5-25. 

杨润慈, 石晓平, 关长坤, 蓝菁*. 农地经营权抵押贷款提高了农户的信贷可得性吗?——基于风险分担机制的调节效应分析[J]. 中国土地科学, 2022, 36(05):51-60.

蓝菁, 李秋明. 农地流转的社会乘数效应——对乡村治理之困与农民参与的分析. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2021, 60(6): 59-68.

刘雅美, 刘立, 蓝菁*. 基于选择实验法的大豆种质农户选择偏好研究. 大豆科学(CSCD), 2019, 1: 124-133.

蓝菁, 盛君, 余奕宁, 刘震*. 退耕还林背景下农户收入的社会网络效应分析——以四川南江县白滩村为例. 中国土地科学, 2017, 31(3): 36-43.

蓝菁, 夏伟峰, 刘立, 欧维新*. 基于选择实验法的公众生物资源保护偏好研究. 资源科学, 2017,39(3): 577-584.

吉小燕, 刘震, 蓝菁, 于金娜*. 剥离环境因素和随机因素的退耕户农业生产技术效率分析———基于陕西省吴起县农户调查数据. 农业技术经济, 2016,12: 76-83.

赵爱栋, 蓝菁, 马贤磊*, 许实. 土地价格市场化对中国工业部门要素投入与技术选择的影响. 财经研究,2016,08: 85-96.

陈姝洁, 马贤磊, 陆凤平, 蓝菁, 石晓平*.中介组织作用对农户农地流转决策的影响—— 基于经济发达地区的实证研究.中国土地科学,2015,29(11):52-61.



2021 江苏高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师

2015 第三批南京农业大学“钟山学者”学术新秀

2009.09-2013.09 日本文部省科研奖励

2007.09-2009.06 AEON财团奖学金