性别 : 男
最高学历 : 博士
研究方向 : 主要从事资源环境经济与政策、土地经济与政策等方面的教学和研究工作
学术兼职 : 全国MPA教指委委员,江苏省房地产经济学会常务理事,中国土地问题研究中心研究人员
联系方式 : E-mail:serena2@njau.edu.cn;Tel:025-84395078
多次参加国际与国内学术会议,并发表相关文章和研究成果,在荷兰、比利时和德国等国家的大学或研究机构讲学和合作研究。Land Use Policy、Journal of Environmental Management, China Economic Review, Urban Studies以及中文期刊中国人口资源与环境的匿名审稿人。自然科学基金、国家社科基金、教育部人文社科等项目通讯评审专家。
卫岗1号 邮编:210095
电话:+86 25 84395078/传真:+86 25 84396531
(33)2023.03-2023.12 主持农业农村部规划设计研究院 乡村振兴重点课题“资源异质性村庄农地流转提升村庄建设内生动力的治理机制与优化路径——以上海、江苏和新疆为例”
(32)2023.05-2023.11 主持2023年度南京市社会科学基金“学习贯彻党的二十大精神”专项项目“新发展格局下南京产业用地更新的治理路径研究”
(31)2023.04-2025.03 主持南京农业大学中央高校基本科研业务费人文社会科学研究基金项目“城市建设用地复合利用的绩效评估与增值收益共享机制研究”
(30)2023.01-2027.12 主持国家社会科学基金哲学社会科学领军人才项目“共同富裕进程中土地市场发育的支持政策研究”
(29)2022.01-2025.12 主持自然科学基金项目项目农地产权制度改革、基层治理对水土资源利用效率的影响--基于江苏河北和新疆的分析
(28)2019.09-2021.09 主持2019年度中央高校基本科研业务费南京农业大学-新疆农业大学联合基金项目“集中连片特困地区土地精准扶贫机制与政策体系研究-以新疆南疆四地州为例”
(27)2018.03-2020.10 完善农村承包地“三权”分置研究,研究阐释党的十九大精神国家社科基金专项课题,子课题负责人
(26)2016.12-2021.12 主持国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项项目“粮食与食品双安全战略下的自然资源持续利用与环境治理”
(25)2015.12-2019.11 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“农业劳动力转移、村级基层治理对水土资源利用效率的影响研究 -基于甘肃、新疆和江西农户和村庄层面的分析”
(24)2015.09-2016.09 主持江苏省国土资源厅委托项目“江苏省国土资源“十三五”科学技术发展规划项目”
(23)2015.09-2016.03 主持上海市地质调查研究院招标课题“土地运行体征指标体系及其决策咨询机制”
(22)2015.06-2015.08 主持江苏省委农村工作领导小组办公室课题“江苏省农村改革试验区工作绩效评估”
(21)2014.08-2018.07 中方协调人,欧盟“Erasmus Munduns Action 3”国际合作项目Asia: Life, Food, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Engineering, Technology, Economics(ALFABETE)
(20)2014.04-2014.12 主持江苏省社科联应用研究重大课题、江苏省社会科学基金项目“完善江苏农村土地制度改革研究”
(19)2014.01-2016.12 主持欧盟Erasmus Mundus Action 3项目“Agriculture, Skills, Knowledge, Asia (ASK Asia)”
(18)2013.12-2016.12 主持教育部哲学社会科学重大项目“我国土地出让制度改革及收益共享机制研究”
(17)2010.01-2012.12 参加国家社科基金重大项目“土地和矿产资源有效供给与高效配置机制研究”
(16)2010.05-2013.09 主持欧盟国际农村发展硕士合作项目(第二期)
(15)2010.07-2014.07 参加EUROASIA欧盟和亚洲学者交流培训项目(第二期)
(14)2009.03-2012.12 主持教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目:经济学(土地资源经济学)
(13)2009.07-2013.06 参加德国教育部项目“基于制度视角的自然资源可持续利用”
(12)2008.12-2011.12 参加国家自然科学基金重点项目“中国农村生态环境管理研究”
(11)2008.07-2013.07 参加科技部和KNAW(荷兰皇家科学院)资助的中荷科技战略联盟项目“中国农村资源可持续利用:制度、政策和市场”
(10)2008.01-2009.01 参加国家自然科学基金应急项目“太湖流域农业面源污染控制与管理研究”
(9)2008.03-2011.03 参加EUROASIA欧盟和亚洲学者交流培训项目(第一期)
(8)2008.01-2010.12 参加德国Bosch基金项目“可持续的农地非农化治理——中德比较研究”
(7)2007.01-2010.12 参加国家科技支撑计划项目“村镇控制关键节地技术研究”
(6)2007.10-2009.09 参加荷兰政府资助的国际合作项目“中国农地产权保护与土地登记研究”
(5)2007.10-2009.09 参加国际合作项目“湿地资源保护利用研究”
(4)2007.09-2010.08 参加欧盟国际农村发展硕士合作项目(第一期)
(3)2006.01-2010.01 参加欧盟国际合作项目(第六框架)“发展中国家土地政策与可持续发展”
(2)2006.12-2010.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目“非农就业对农村能源消费转变和生态环境的影响研究”
(1)2004.12-2007.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目“区域要素市场发育与农业自然资源可持续利用管理研究”
(38)Qianlong Zhu, Xu Zou, Jiantao Zhong, Fugang Gao, Zibo Wei & Xiaoping Shi*(07 May 2024): Promotion incentives, economic growth targets and industrial land supply: evidence from China, Applied Economics, DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2024.2351227(SSCI)
(37)Dengyan Ji, Xiaoping Shi, Xiaojuan Luo,* and Xianlei Ma(2023), The impact of intergenerational inheritance on the scale of farmland management in the context of aging: Evidence from eastern China.Land,12(2023),1496. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12081496.(SSCI)
(36)Yan Liu, Xiaoping Shi, and Fugang Gao*(2022), The impact of agricultural machinery services on cultivated land productivity and its mechanisms: A case study of Handan city in the North China plain. Front. Environ. Sci. 10(2022):1008036.doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1008036.(SCI)
(35)Shunran Wang, Fangping Rao, Xianlei Ma, Xiaoping Shi*(2022), Farmland dispute prevention: The role of land titling, social capital and household capability. Land, 11(2022), 1742. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11101742.(SSCI)
(34)Yan Liu, Nico Heerink, Fan Li, Xiaoping Shi*(2022), Do agricultural machinery services promote village farmland rental markets? Theory and evidence from a case study in the North China plain. Land Use Policy,122(2022)106388.(SSCI)
(33)Fugang Gao, Xianlei Ma,Erwin van der Krabben, Huub Ploegmakers, Xiaoping Shi*(2022), Causes of industrial land-use regulations in China: A share tenancy perspective. Land Use Policy,122(2022)106374.(SSCI)
(32)Na Li, Liang Tang, Xuchao Che, Xiaoping Shi, Xianlei Ma*(2022).Does the democratization level of village governance affect perceptions of security and integrity of land rights? -An analysis from the perspective of social network abundance.Journal of Rural Studies 94(2022):305–318.(SSCI)
(31)Fugang Gao, Huub Ploegmakers, Erwin van der Krabben, Xiaoping Shi*(2022).Impacts of the political incentive for environmental protection on industrial land supply: Evidence from the cadre evaluation system reform in China. Papers in regional science.(SSCI)
(30)Changkun Guan, Xianlei Ma, Xiaoping Shi*(2022).The impact of collective and individual drip irrigation systems on fertilizer use intensity and land productivity: Evidence from rural Xinjiang, China.Water Resources and Economics.2022.38: 100196.(SSCI/SCI)
(29)Changkun Guan, Xiaoping Shi & Xianlei Ma*(2021).Do Social Networks Affect Irrigation Behaviors? A Case Study of Water Theft in Rural Xinjiang, China.Society & Natural Resources. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2021.1894623.(SSCI)
(28)Fangping Rao, Abudureheman Abudikeranmu, Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink, Xianlei Ma*(2021).Impact of participatory irrigation management on mulched drip irrigation technology adoption in rural Xinjiang, China. Water Resources and Economics. 2021, 33: 100170. (SSCI/SCI)
(27)Fangping Rao, Max Spoor, Xianlei Ma, Xiaoping Shi*(2020).Perceived land tenure security in rural Xinjiang,China:The role of official land documents and trust.China Economic Review,Volume 60,April 2020,101038. (SSCI)
(26)Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Ekko van Ierland, Hairu Lang, Xiaoping Shi*(2020).Decisions by Chinese households regarding renting in arable land—The impact of tenure security perceptions and trust.China Economic Review,Volume 60,April 2020,101328. (SSCI)
(25)Liang Tang,Xianlei Ma*,Yuepeng Zhou, Xiaoping Shi,Jia Ma(2019).Social relations, public interventions and land rent deviation: Evidence from Jiangsu Province in China.Land Use Policy,2019,86:406-420.(SSCI)
(24)Peng Tang, Xiaoping Shi*, Jinlong Gao*, Shuyi Feng, Futian Qu (2019).Demystifying the key for intoxicating land finance in China: An empirical study through the lens of government expenditure. Land Use Policy, 85: 302-309.(SSCI)
(23)Yuepeng Zhou, Xiaoping Shi, Dengyan Ji, Xianlei Ma*,Satish Chand(2019).Property rights integrity, Tenure Security and Forestland Rental Market Participation: Evidence from Jiangxi Province, China. Natural Resources Forum,2019,43(2):95-110.(SSCI)
(22)Yuepeng Zhou, Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink, Xianlei Ma* (2018). The effect of land tenure governance on technical efficiency: Evidence from three provinces in eastern China, Applied Economics.(SSCI)
(21)Yuepeng Zhou, Xianlei Ma , Dengyan Ji , Nico Heerink , Xiaoping Shi*and Hongbin Liu(2018). Does Property Rights Integrity Improve Tenure Security? Evidence from China’s Forest Reform.Sustainability 10(6), 1956; https://doi.org/10.3390/su10061956.(SSCI/SCI)
(20)Xiaoping Shi, Shujie Chen, Xianlei Ma, Jing Lan*(2018).Heterogeneity in interventions in village committee and farmland circulation: Intermediary versus regulatory effects.Land Use Policy 74:291-300.(SSCI)
(19)Adam M. Komarek, Max Spoor, Shuyi Feng , Xiaoping Shi* (2017). Income implications of political capital and agricultural land use in western China, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 9 (1): 93 – 110. (SSCI)
(18)Xianlei Ma , Nico Heerink,Shuyi Feng, Xiaoping Shi* (2017). Land tenure security and technical efficiency: new insights from a case study in Northwest China, Environment and Development Economics 23:1 - 23. (SSCI)
(17)Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Ekko van Ierland, Xiaoping Shi* (2016). Land tenure insecurity and rural-urban migration in rural China, Papers in Regional Science 95(2): 383-406.(SSCI)
(16)Fangping Rao, Max Spoor, Xianlei Ma,Xiaoping Shi* (2016). Land tenure (in)security and crop-tree intercropping in rural Xinjiang,China, Land Use Policy 50:102-114. (SSCI)
(15)Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Shuyi Feng, Xiaoping Shi* (2015). Farmland tenure in China: Comparing legal, actual and perceived security, Land Use Policy 42:293-306. (SSCI)
(14)De Steur Hans, Vanhonacker Filiep, shuyi Feng, Xiaoping Shi*, Verbeke Wim, Gellynck Xavier 2014). Cognitive biases and design effects in experimental auctions: an application to GM rice with health benefits, China Agricultural Economic Review 6(3): 413-432. (SSCI)
(13)Adam Komarek, Xiaoping Shi*, Nico Heerink (2014). Household-level effects of China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program under price and policy shifts, Land Use Policy 40:36-44. (SSCI)
(12)Lei Zhang*, Xueqin Zhu, Nico Heerink, and Xiaoping Shi (2014). Does output market development affect irrigation water institutions? - Insights from a case study in northern China, Agricultural Water management 131:70-78. (SSCI/SCI)
(11)Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Ekko van Ierland, Marrit van den Berg, Xiaoping Shi* (2013). Land Tenure Security and Land Investments - a Case Study for Minle County, Northwest China, China Agricultural Economic Review 5(2): 281-307. (SSCI)
(10)Lei Zhang*, Nico Heerink, Liesbeth Dries, Xiaoping Shi(2013). Water users associations and irrigation water productivity in northern China, Ecological Economics 95:128-136. (SSCI)
(9)Hans De Steur, Shuyi Feng, Xiaoping Shi*, Xavier Gellynck (2013). Consumer preferences for micronutrient strategies in China. A comparison between folic acid supplementation and folate biofortification, Public Health Nutrition 17(6): 1410-1420.
(8)Xiaoping Shi *, Nico Heerink, Futian Qu(2011). Does off-farm employment contribute to agriculture-based environmental pollution? New insights from a village-level analysis in Jiangxi Province, China, China Economic Review 22(4): 524-533. (SSCI)
(7)Futian Qu, Arie Kuyvenhoven, Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink (2011). Sustainable natural resource use in rural China: Recent trends and policies, China Economic Review 22(4): 444-460. (SSCI)
(6)Nico Heerink, Futian Qu, Xiaoping Shi (2011). Introduction to the symposium on sustainable natural resource use in rural China, China Economic Review 22(4): 441-443. (SSCI)
(5)Veronica Wachong Castro, Nico Heerink, Xiaoping Shi, Wei Qu(2010). Water savings through off-farm employment?, China Agricultural Economic Review 2(2):167-184. (SSCI)
(4) Xiaoping Shi*, Nico Heerink, Futian Qu (2009). The Role of Off-farm Employment in the Rural Energy Consumption Transition – a Village Level Analysis in Jiangxi Province, China, China Economic Review 20(2): 350-359. (SSCI)
(3)Xiaoping Shi*, Nico Heerink and Futian Qu (2007). Choices between different off-farm employment sub-categories: An empirical analysis for Jiangxi Province, China, China Economic Review 18(4): 438-455. (SSCI)
(2)Nico Heerink, Futian Qu, Marijke Kuiper, Xiaoping Shi, Shuhao Tan (2007). Policy Reforms, Rice Production and Sustainable Land Use in China: A Macro-micro Analysis, Agricultural System 94(3): 784-800. (SCI)
(1)Nico Heerink, Marijke Kuiper, Xiaoping Shi (2006). China's New Rural Income Policy: Impacts on Grain Production and Rural Income Inequality, China and World Economy 14(6):58-69. (SSCI)
(24)邹旭,马贤磊,石晓平*. 工业用地市场化配置改革的制度变迁逻辑———基于“主体互动-制度共演”框架的分析[J]. 公共行政评论,2024.(2):176-195.
(23)朱乾隆,石晓平,马贤磊,邹旭*. 数字经济发展对工业用地利用效率的影响——基于国家级大数据综合试验区的准自然实验[J]. 中国土地科学,2023.37(11):41-51.
(22)邹旭,马贤磊,石晓平*. 工业用地配置中的市场机制和政府规制何以影响工业转型升级?[J]. 经济评论,2023.244(6):106-123.
(21)魏子博,石晓平*,马贤磊和周月鹏. 金融分权对地方政府土地资本化形式选择影响研究[J]. 中国土地科学,2023.37(7):20-29.
(20)王珏,马贤磊,石晓平*. 工业化城市化进程中农村集体参与土地增值收益分成规则演变分析——来自土地非农利用的证据[J]. 公共管理与政策评论,2023.12(3):70-85.
(19)魏子博,石晓平,马贤磊和周月鹏*. 土地财政、土地融资与地方政府投向网络基础设施的互动关系[J]. 中国人口资源与环境,2023.3(3):137-147.
(18)朱乾隆,马贤磊,石晓平,邹旭*. 差别化城镇土地使用税政策对工业用地利用效率的影响[J]. 资源科学,2023,45(2):250-263.
(10)魏子博,颜玉萍,石晓平*,孙洁. 城市棚户区改造土地增值收益分配机理研究——基于吉林省松原市的改造案例. 中国土地科学, 2017(8):24-31.
(8)唐鹏, 周来友, 石晓平*. 地方政府对土地财政依赖的影响因素研究——基于1998-2010年的省际面板数据分析. 资源科学, 2014, 36(7).
(7)唐鹏, 石晓平*, 曲福田. 地方政府竞争与土地财政策略选择. 资源科学, 2014, 36(4): 0702-0711.
(6)石晓平, 马妍. 从征地制度演化进程分析征地制度改革的方向. 土地科学动态, 2011, 3(4): 10-12.
(5)薛慧光, 石晓平*, 唐鹏.中国式分权与城市土地出让价格的偏离——以长三角地区城市为例. 资源科学, 2013, 35(6): 1134-1142.
(4)朱丽娜, 石晓平*. 中国土地出让制度改革对地方财政收入的影响分析. 中国土地科学, 2010, 24(7): 23-29.
(3)赵珂, 石晓平, 曲福田. 我国土地市场发育程度测算与实证研究——以东、中、西部为例. 经济地理, 2008, 28(6): 821-825.
(2)石晓平, 曲福田. 土地资源配置方式改革与公共政策转变. 中国土地科学, 2003, 17(6): 19-22.
(1)曲福田, 石晓平. 城市国有土地市场化配置的制度非均衡解释. 管理世界, 2002, 18(6): 46-53.
(33)石晓平,杨润慈,蓝 菁.农机服务市场发育背景下的农户农机投资行为观察:基于农户禀赋的研究视角.农业经济[J].2024,(3):133-144.
(31)阿布都热合曼·阿布迪克然木, 饶芳萍, 马贤磊和石晓平*.协同型基层治理对农户参与集体水土保护措施管护的影响[J].资源科学, 2022,44(10): 1949-1963.
(26)刘艳,马贤磊,石晓平*.农机服务对小农户土地流转“内卷化”的影响.华中农业大学学报(社科版)[J]. 2022(2):146-157.
(23)周来友,饶芳萍,马贤磊,石晓平.丘陵地区非农就业类型对农地流转的影响——基于江西省东北部农户调查数据的分析[J].资源科学,2017,39(2): 209-219.
(22)饶芳萍,马贤磊,石晓平.土地产权安全性对生态友好型农业项目增收绩效的影响——以新疆林果套种项目为例[J].南京农业大学学报(社科版),2016,16(06): 96-108.
(21)吉登艳,石晓平,仇童伟,马贤磊.林地产权对农户林业经营性收入的影响——以江西省两个县(市)为例[J]. 资源科学,2016,38(8): 1609-1620.
(20)王岩,石晓平,杨俊孝.农地流转合约方式选择影响因素的实证分析---基于新疆玛纳斯县的调研[J].干旱区资源与环境, 2015,29(11): 19-24.
(19)陈姝洁,马贤磊,陆凤平,蓝 菁,石晓平.中介组织作用对农户农地流转决策的影响—— 基于经济发达地区的实证研究[J].中国土地科学,2015,29(11): 52-61.
(18)周来友,仇童伟,周 冬,石晓平,马贤磊.丘陵山区劳动力老龄化对土地利用效率的影响—— 基于直接效应和间接效应的识别[J].中国土地科学,2015,29(10):35-41.
(17)仇童伟,石晓平,马贤磊.农地流转经历、产权安全认知对农地流转市场潜在需求的影响研究——以江西省丘陵地区为例[J].资源科学,2015,37(4): 645-653.
(15)吉登艳,马贤磊,石晓平.林地产权对农户林地投资行为的影响研究:基于产权完整性与安全性[J].农业经济问题, 2015,(3): 54-63.
(14)石晓平,王岩.发挥土地政策引领作用,助推中西部地区人口就近城镇化[J].土地科学动态,2015,2: 29-32.
(13)吉登艳, 马贤磊, 石晓平. 土地产权安全对土地投资的影响:一个文献综述[J]. 南京农业大学学报(社科版), 2014, 14(3): 52-61.
(12)罗小娟, 冯淑怡, 黄挺, 石晓平, 曲福田. 测土配方施肥项目实施的环境和经济效果评价[J]. 华中农业大学学报(社科版), 2014, (1): 86-93.
(11)夏莲, 石晓平, 冯淑怡, 曲福田. 涉农企业介入对农户参与小型农田水利设施投资的影响分析[J]. 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 13(4): 54-60.
(10)罗小娟, 冯淑怡, Reidsma Pytrik, 石晓平, 曲福田. 基于农户生物——经济模型的农业与环境政策响应模拟——以太湖流域为例[J]. 中国农村经济, 2013年11月.
(9)罗小娟, 冯淑怡, 石晓平, 曲福田. 太湖流域农户环境友好型技术采纳行为及其环境和经济效应评价——以测土配方施肥技术为例[J]. 自然资源学报, 2013, 28(11): 1891-1902.
(8)夏莲, 石晓平, 冯淑怡, 曲福田.农业产业化背景下农户水资源利用效率影响因素分析——基于甘肃省民乐县的实证分析[J]. 中国人口资源与环境, 2013, 12: 111-118.
(7)冯淑怡, 罗小娟, 张丽军, 石晓平. 养殖企业畜禽粪尿处理方式选择、影响因素与适用政策工具分析——以太湖流域上游为例[J]. 华中农业大学学报(社科), 2013, (1): 12-18.
(6)石晓平, 郎海如. 农地经营规模与农业生产率研究综述[J]. 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 13(2): 76-84.
(5)马贤磊, 唐鹏, 冯淑怡, 石晓平. 农村自然资源可持续治理结构转变:市场的角色——“中国农村自然资源可持续利用管理”国际学术研讨会综述[J]. 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 05: 111-114.
(4)陈会广, 刘忠原, 石晓平. 土地权益在农民工城乡迁移决策中的作用研究——以南京市1062份农民工问卷为分析对象[J]. 农业经济问题, 2012, 7: 71-77.
(3)罗小娟, 曲福田, 冯淑怡, 石晓平, 姜海. 太湖流域生态补偿机制的框架设计研究——基于流域生态补偿理论及国内外经验[J]. 南京农业大学学报(社科版), 2011, 11(1): 82-89.
(2)石晓平, 曲福田, Nico Heerink, Marijke Kuiper. 中国农村市场发育与村庄经济研究[J]. 中国农村观察, 2004, (1): 44-55.
(1)李明艳, 陈利根, 石晓平. 非农就业与农户土地利用行为实证分析: 配置效应、兼业效应与投资效应——基于2005年江西省农户调研数据[J]. 农业技术经济, 2010, (3): 41-51.
(3)魏子博, 石晓平.土地管理法修订:农村土地增值收益如何分配.2018年11月26日发表至财新网.
(2)石晓平, 魏子博, 孙洁.暴涨的土地增值收益如何分配更合理.2016年7月11日发表至财新网.
(37)邹旭,马贤磊,石晓平.工业用地配置中的市场机制和政府规制 --基于城市和企业层面的观察.“紫金港畔与狮子山麓2022年度论坛”,线上(浙江大学、华中农业大学等主办),2022年12月25日.
(34) Liang Tang, Xianlei Ma*, Yuepeng Zhou, Xiaoping Shi, Jia Ma, Social Relation, Public Intervention and Farmland Rent Distortion: Evidence from Jiangsu Province in China , Presented in the 14th International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development in China (ICARDC XIV), October 21- 23, 2018, Ningxia, China.
(33) Liang Tang, Xianlei Ma*, Yuepeng Zhou, Xiaoping Shi, Jia Ma, Social Relation, Public Intervention and Farmland Rent Distortion :Evidence from Jiangsu Province in China , Presented in the Zhongshan International Forum , November 11- 13, 2018, Nanjing, China.
(32) Liang Tang, Xianlei Ma*, Yuepeng Zhou, Xiaoping Shi, Jia Ma, Social Relation, Public Intervention and Farmland Rent Distortion: Evidence from Jiangsu Province in China, Presented in the 10th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference, November 8-10, 2018, Guangzhou, China.
(31) Yuepeng zhou, Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Xiaoping Shi, Hongbin Liu. Tenure security, social relations and contract choice: Endogenous matching in the Chinese land rental market, presented in 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, held in Vancourver, 31 July, 2018.
(30) Yuepeng Zhou, Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink, Xianlei Ma. The effect of land tenure governance on grain efficiency: Evidence from three provinces in eastern China, presented in 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, held in Vancourver, 30 July, 2018.
(29) Yuepeng Zhou, Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink, Xianlei Ma ,Tenure security and grain production efficiency in China: an analysis from the perspective of land tenure governance, presented in the 9th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference,18-20 October, 2017.
(28)石晓平.Does social capital matter natural resource management? : Empirical evidences from Xinjiang, Gansu and Jiangxi.可复制可推广的自然资源制度改革:理论与实践暨第三届CWINS国际研讨会,浙江杭州,2017年11月3日-4日.
(27)Changkun Guan, Xianlei Ma, Fangping Rao, Xiaoping Shi. Social capitals and rule-breaking behavior in integrated water management: evidence from rural Xinjiang, China. 2017 Commons Workshop, 14-15 October, 2017, Beijing, China.
(26)Abudureheman.Abudikeranmu, Xianlei Ma, Fangping Rao, Xiaoping Shi. Participatory Irrigation Management and Farmer’s Adoption of the Mulched Drip Irrigation Technology: Evidence from Rural Xinjiang, China. 2017 Commons Workshop, 14-15 October, 2017, Beijing, China.
(25)Yuepeng Zhou, Xianlei Ma, Xiaoping Shi. Are large farms more efficient? Tenure security, farm size and farm
efficiency: evidence from northeast China. The European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, 23–28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria.
(24)Xianlei Ma, Yuepeng Zhou, Xiaoping Shi. Tenure security, social relations and contract choice: Endogenous matching in the Chinese land rental market.The European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017,23–28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria.
(23)Yuepeng Zhou, Dengyan Ji, Xiaoping Shi, Xianlei Ma, Satish Chand. Tenure Integrity, Security and Forestland Transfer: Evidence from Jiangxi Province, China. presented in annual conference China-EU agricultural trade relations in a global context, held in Nanjing, China, October 13-15, 2016.
(22) Xiaoping Shi, Shujie Chen, Xianlei Ma, Jing Lan. Heterogeneity in interventions of village committee and farmland circilation:intermediary effects versus regulatory effect. International Conference on Land Use and Rural Sustainability, 17-20 August 2016, Xi’an.
(20) Dengyan Ji, Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Xiaoping Shi. Forestland Property Rights Bundles and Household Tenure Security Perceptions in China. 4th International Conference on Natural Resources and Agricultural Economics, Hohhot, China, 18-19 September 2015.
(19) Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Ekko van Ierland, Hairu Lang and Xiaoping shi,"Impact of tenure security and trust on land rental market development in rural China." Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2015: Linking Land Tenure and Use for Shared Prosperity, 23-27 March 2015,Washington, DC.
(18) Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Ekko van Ierland, Hairu Lang and Xiaoping Shi. Impact of tenure security and trust on land rental market development in rural China. 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists,8-14 August 2015, Milan, Italy.
(17) Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Ekko van Ierland, Xiaoping Shi. Perceived Tenure Security, Trust and Land Rental Markets in Northwest China. Presented in the Forum The Rise of the 'Emerging Economies' Towards Functioning Agricultural Markets and Trade Relations? 25-27 June 2014, Halle (Saale), Germany.
(16) Xiaoping Shi, Fangping Rao, Dengyan Ji, Xianlei Ma. Land tenure security and sustainable land use in rural China. 中国“社会-生态系统”制度分析国际研讨会,杭州, 2015年11月28日-29日.
(15)唐鹏, 石晓平, 曲福田. 政府主导的土地市场制度与土地财政收入形成. 全国第五届土地资源管理博士论坛, 中国农业大学, 2014年5月17日.
(14)李成瑞, 姜海, 石晓平. 房地产税改革与中国土地管理困局破解——基于对地方财政影响的情景分析. 全国第五届土地资源管理博士论坛, 中国农业大学, 2014年5月17日.
(13) Lian Xia, Xiaoping Shi and Shuyi Feng. Agricultural commercialization and small-scale irrigation and water conservancy investments in northwest China - A case study of Minle County in Gansu Province. International Conference on "Sustainable Natural Resource Management in Rural China – Governing markets?", 26–28 August, Nanjing, P.R. China, 2013.
(12)唐鹏, 曲福田, 石晓平, 冯淑怡. 地方土财政策略对支出结构的影响研究. 中国城市管理高峰论坛(2013)暨第三届"变迁中的国城市社会和治理"学术研讨会, 广州中山大学, 2013年6月22日-23日.
(11)Adam Komarek, Xiaoping Shi and Nico Heerink. Household-level effects of China's Sloping Land Conversion Program under price and policy shifts. Agricultural Systems and to 4th CAER-IFPRI Annual International Conference, 18-19 October 2012, Beijing.
(10) Xianlei Ma, Nico Heerink, Ekko van Ierland, Marrit van den Berg and Xiaoping Shi. Land tenure security and land investments in northwest China. 4th CAER-IFPRI Annual International Conference, 18-19 October 2012, Beijing and International Symposium on Rural Development & Transformation in Modern China, 12-14 October 2012, Nanjing.
(9) Lei Zhang, Xueqin Zhu, Nico Heerink and Xiaoping Shi. Impact of output market development on irrigation water institutions in northwest China – a case study. 4th CAER-IFPRI Annual International Conference, 18-19 October 2012, Beijing and International Symposium on Rural Development & Transformation in Modern China, 12-14 October 2012, Nanjing.
(8)薛慧光, 石晓平, 唐鹏. 中国式分权与地方政府土地出让价格偏离行为研究——以长三角地区地级市为例. 第十一届全国高校土地资源管理院长(系主任)联席会暨中国土地科学论坛, 江苏南京, 2012年10月7日—8日.
(7)夏莲, 石晓平, 冯淑怡, 曲福田. 涉农企业介入农业生产是否改善农户水资源利用效率?——基于甘肃民乐县的实证分析. 中国农业技术经济学会2012年学术研讨会, 江苏南京, 2012年11月16日—18日.
(6) Futian Qu, Arie Kuyvenhoven, Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink. Sustainable Natural Resource Use in Rural China: Trends and Policies. Mini-symposium at the IAAE Conference, pp 1-14, 2009/8/17.
(5) Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink, Futian Qu. Can China's agricultural production be sustained? Natural resource perspective. Annual International Conference of Agrarian Perspective, pp 1-7, 2009/9/15.
(4) Lina Shi, Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink. Rural Household Energy Consumption and Choice – A Case Study of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. Greening Asian Growth, Economic Transition and Sustainable Agricultural Development in East and Southeast Asia, pp 1-7, 2008/10/29.
(3) Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink, Futian Qu. The role of off-farm employment in the rural energy consumption transition - A village-level analysis in Jiangxi Province, China. International Seminar on Sustaining Growth - Economic Transition and Natural Resource Management in East and Southeast Asia, pp 350-359, 2007/6/21(ISTP). (ISTP 收录)
(2)Nico Heerink, Futian Qu, Kuiper, Marijke, Xiaoping Shi, ShuhaoTan. Policy reforms, rice production and sustainable land use in China: A macro-micro analysis. 1st Asia-Europe Workshop on Sustainable Resource Management and Policy for Rice EcoSystems(SUMAPOL 2005), pp 784-800, 2005/5/11(ISTP). (ISTP 收录)
(1)Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink, Futian Qu. Choices between different off-farm employment sub-categories: An empirical analysis for Jiangxi Province, China.International Symposium on China Rural Economy after WTO - Problems and Strategies, pp 438-455, 2004/6/25(ISTP). (ISTP 收录)
Books & book chapters:
(9)Max Spoor, Xiaoping Shi, Chunling Pu (2015). Small Cotton Farmers, Livelihood Diversification and Policy Interventions in Southern Xinjiang. In H Zhang (Ed.), China's Rural Livelihoods in Transition. London and New York:Routledge.
(8)Shuyi Feng, Xiaoping Shi, Reidsma Pytrik, Xianlei Ma, Futian Qu (2012). Agricultural Non Point Source Pollution in Taihau Lake Basin, China In Land Use Policies for Sustainable Development: Exploring Integrated Assessment Methods, D. McNeill, Nesheim, I., Brouwer, F. (ed.): Edward Elgar Publishing.
(7)Muriel Bonin, Emilie Coudel, Youssouf Cisse, Shuyi Feng, Patrick Gicheru, Nina Novira, Nadia Ounalli, Seema Purushothaman, Saulo Rodrigues-Filho, Mongi Sghaier, Xiaoping Shi and Jean-Philippe Tonneau (2012). Critical Analysis of Land Use Policies In Land Use Policies for Sustainable Development: Exploring Integrated Assessment Methods, D. McNeill, Nesheim, I., Brouwer, F. (ed.): Edward Elgar Publishing.
(6)Volker Beckman, Nguyen Huu Dung, Xiaoping Shi, Max Spoor and Justus Wesseler. Economic Transition and Natural Resources Management in East and Southeast Asia. Shaker Verlag GmbH Publications (printed in Germany).
(5)Lina Shi, Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink and Shuyi Feng(2010). Rural Household Energy Consumption and Choice – A Case Study of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China in: Beckman, V., N.H. Dung, X. Shi, M. Spoor and J. Wesseler, Economic Transition and Natural Resources Management in East and Southeast Asia. Shaker Verlag GmbH Publications (printed in Germany).
(4)Max Spoor, Xiaoping Shi and Chunling Pu (2010). Shifting Livelihood Strategies of Small Cotton Farmers in Southern Xinjiang, in: Beckman, V., N.H. Dung, X. Shi, M. Spoor and J. Wesseler, Economic Transition and Natural Resources Management in East and Southeast Asia. Maastricht: Shaker Publications Shaker Verlag GmbH Publications (printed in Germany).
(3)Max Spoor and Xiaoping Shi (2008). Cotton and rural income development in Xinjiang, Included in Spoor, M. (eds)."The Political Economy of Rural Livelihoods in Transition Economics", Routledge ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods, Routledge, The Netherlands.
(2)Xiaoping Shi (2007). AWAY OFF THE FARM - The impact of off-farm employment on farm production, factor market development and sustainable land use in Jiangxi Province, P. R. China. Shaker Publishing BV, The Netherlands.
(1)Xiaoping Shi, Nico Heerink, Stein Holden, Futian Qu(2007). Off-farm employment, factor market development and input use in farm production - A case study of a remote village in Jiangxi Province, China, Included in Spoor, M., Heerink, N. and F. Qu "Dragons with clay feet? Transition, sustainable land use and rural environment in China and Vietnam". Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
(5)石晓平, 刘向南, 李永乐, 诸培新, 唐焱, 姜海, 冯淑怡, 谭荣, 龙开胜.我国土地出让制度改革及收益共享机制研究[M].经济科学出版社,2019.
(4)马贤磊, 石晓平, Nico Heerink, 曲福田.农村土地产权制度与农业绩效[M].江苏人民出版社,2018.
(3)曲福田, 石晓平, 马贤磊, 李效顺, 夏莲. 农村发展中土地资源保护机制[M]. 科学出版社, 2013.(20万字)
(2)曲福田, 韩洪云, 石晓平. 资源与环境经济学(教材第二版). 中国农业出版社, 2001. (副主编)
(1)石晓平. 土地资源可持续利用的经济学分析[M]. 中国大地出版社, 2002.
(3)Chris Klok, Bert Harms, Shi Xiaoping, Ou Weixin, Zhu Lina, Zhu Peixin, Bianca Nijhof, Michiel Van Eupen, Annemarie Groot, Chen Kelin. Wise use of wetlands in China: integral approach to assess and evaluate opportunities and risks of biodiversity in wetlands in a socio-economic context, 2008.
(2)Leo Van Den Berg, Shi Xiaoping, Ben Kamphuis. Towards integrated urban and horticultural planning in Hanoi and Nanjing, published by Alterra, 2006.
(1)Eefje Den Belder, Shi Xiaoping, Dihn Ti Hai Van, Tran Manh Tuong, Jelleke de Nooy-van Tol. Kick the pesticide habit: forces affecting pesticide use and pesticide policy in the fringe of Hanoi and Nanjing, stakeholders' perspectives and policy recommendations, published by Plant Research International,2006.
(12)Best Conference Paper Awarding Ceremony:The Impact of Collective and Individual Drip Irrigation Systems on Fertilizer Use Intensity and Land Productivity: Evidence from Rural Xinjiang,China, CAER-IFPRI International Conference Committee.
(5) 江苏省第四期高层次人才"333"工程第三层次人才培养对象,江苏省教育厅,2012.
(2) 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”, 教育部,2009.
(1) 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象,江苏省教育厅,2006.